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Title [Makeup Artist Soyoung Choi’s Pick] Aloe Soothing Gel
Posted by BENTON (ip:)
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  • Date 2019-10-11
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  • Views 1647

The summer heat increases the skin temperature and makes it impossible for any cosmetics to be absorbed perfectly.


As a makeup artist and as a woman, I strongly recommend Aloe Soothing Gel as an “It” item.


<Benton Aloe Real Cool Soothing Gel>


In addition to its advantages of being able to store at room temperature, having lower oil content and higher moist content, it also is absorbed faster than moisturizing cream.


Good makeup is not about layering heavy makeup over and over, it is about filling in the moistures lightly so that the makeup wouldn’t collapse altogether. That is why makeup shops celebrities go to use soothing gels often.


Tips For Using Soothing Gel <Soothing Gel Pack>


Damp cotton pads with soothing gel put them in a container, and refrigerate for a bit.


After 20- minutes, take the cotton pads out and put them on the wanted area on your body.


It will immediately lower the skin temperature and calms the swelling. However, as the soothing gel takes more time to be absorbed into the cotton pads, make sure to damp it for about 1-2 hours minimum for refrigeration.


Tips For Using Soothing Gel <Soothing Mist>


Water or Benton Deep Green Tea Toner 7: Soothing Gel 3


This is the time where you need to make mist to calm your sensitive skin.

If a general mist product just provides miniaturization to the skin, the soothing gel mist adds a calming effect in addition to the miniaturization.


The more the soothing gel, the spray would be weaker. If you want to add a hydration effect, you can add a bit of oil as well.


Tips For Using Soothing Gel <Summer Makeup>


If you do not spend enough time on basic skincare, this tip will help to prevent having cakey makeup by creating a lustrous skin look.


If you would like to increase coverage power, you can mix the product with a 1:1 ratio with a concealer product to create a foundation effect which has a stronger coverage.


On the cakey area on your makeup, apply the gel with a cue tip or a puff.


And retouch the makeup as if nothing happened.


Tips For Using Soothing Gel <Creating A Sexy Wet Hair>


Usually, to create a sexy wet hair, people use water spray. Instead, try using the soothing gel for spray.


It protects hair from the UV rays and can go in detail how to position your hair easier than using water.


Tips For Using Soothing Gel <Tanning/Waxing/Bug Bites>


Use soothing gel anything that goes with the skin in the summer.


First, the skin still is irritated and contains small injuries that are not noticeable with our bare eyes. It definitely needs soothing and moisturizing. Use soothing gel for this.


Second, many people do tanning to look healthy. However, the UV rays can cause burns or do other damages on the skin. Use soothing gel to provide an immediate moisturizing and soothing effect.


Third, calm the irritated parts of the skin caused by mosquito or other bug bites.


From head to toe, there are no areas soothing gel cannot be used. Therefore, you need to check the ingredients as well. Benton’s Aloe Real Cool Soothing Gel does not contain any artificial fragrances and alcohol and contains 93% aloe.


In addition, it contains a patented cooling complex that is made of kelp, hemp root, elm tree root, and pansy, and other plant-based extraction to maximize the cooling and calming effect.


The product is also tested with low-irritation which means all family members can use it with safety.


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